Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another Snowy Saturday

Today was yet another snowy Saturday, so I decided it was time to break out some more new toys. Today was the day to bring out the ball pit and Mr. Potato Head that Santa brought her. Taylor was so excited over her new toys, she could hardly contain herself...she kept saying, "OH GOODNESS MOMMA!" Since we were cooped up inside, I thought we'd lighten our spirits with a little Toddler Time Music...we danced our blues away and had a lot of fun playing inside.

This series of pictures cracks me up...can you tell she LOVES to dance?

Boogie down girlie!!!

Taylor loves her purse...can you imagine what's in a toddler's purse? Well, here is your answer...a Hello Kitty wallet with nothing in it what so ever, a pair of pretty chic sunglasses, a set of princess keys, a Cinderella cell phone and a Belle lipstick. Hmm, is this girl going to be high maintenance or what?
Does she look good or what?

Concentrating on finding the right hat for Mr. Potato Head...

Look at all the pieces....

The infamous ball pit...can you see the static electricity in her hair?

SO EXCITED, she could hardly stand it.

Stylin' in her Little Tikes Coupe...

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